Acoustic-structural Coupled Analysis Function


Acoustic-structural coupled analysis enables acoustic analysis in a wide variety of applications, including speaker diaphragms, for which acoustic analysis is required to have a highly precise model of the acoustic-structural interaction, and automobile intake manifolds or compressors that require transmitted noise issues to be addressed.

Prior to acoustic-structural coupled analysis, it is necessary to separately perform structural eigenvalue analysis using general structural analysis software. With WAON, the results of analysis may be read via a unique interface to generate a structural model for coupled analysis.

Version 3.0 and higher are designed to have the FMBEM solver work faster than previous versions, allowing large computation to be processed even more rapidly.

Example of acoustic-structural coupled analysis

The following chart is an example of analysis of the acoustic-structural interaction on the speaker diaphragm.
By taking into consideration both acoustic resonance and the resonance of the diaphragm, analysis with higher precision is achieved.
(Red: coupled; Pale blue: uncoupled)

Before introducing the system

To perform acoustic-structural coupled analysis, you will need to purchase a coupled module.
For further details, please contact a WAON distributor.